The Diedirick Cuckoo ( Chrysococcyx Caprius )

I found the bird under attack by large ants and somewhat dehydrated. Here is a photo of the type of ant which attacked it:


I put some water on the tip of my finger and put it to the tip of its beak. When it realized that I was giving it moisture it started to open its beak and eventually let me feed it. I fed it insects like grasshoppers, locusts and moths. Catchings insects for a bird is a lot of work. At times when I could not find insects easily I fed it cereal and wet flour. Even though these birds eat insects their digestive systems can handle seeds.

When this bird became big enough to fly I could call it out of the trees with a whistle he associated with feeding time. He would land straight on my hand or shoulder. A nice pet.

These birds are known to be parasitic birds. They lay their eggs in the nest of other birds. The Cuckoo chick is known to kick out the other chicks. And the Cuckoo chick is not raised by the parent cuckoo, but is raised by the host bird. Reminds you of some people you know ?


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